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Text File | 1994-10-01 | 12.1 KB | 297 lines | [TEXT/R*ch] |
- Slurpee.txt
- 9/3/94
- Slurpee 1.1
- transfers paragraphs or tab-delimited text
- between a text file and Newton soup entries
- via a terminal emulator and serial connection
- see Slurpee.1st for other info.
- =====
- Why?
- I wanted a convenient way to move information from the desktop to soups on the
- Newton, especially text paragraphs to separate Notepad entries, and vice
- versa. Newton Connection Kit (NCK) is also a possibility, though it is
- slower, more complicated, and expensive. Although Slurpee was created
- primarily to support moving NewtonScript application/method sources by users
- of my Newt application development tool, I thought that this utility may be
- useful for others as well.
- =====
- Slurp and Slurpee -- Introduction and Differences
- Slurpee is a customized version of the Apple DTS "Slurp-3" example -- with
- thanks to the original author Scott (Zz) Zimmerman. The original Slurp
- documentation and examples are included as SlurpOld.txt and CasioNam.tab. I
- did not include the Slurp NTK project source files -- these can be obtained
- from AppleLink and ftp.apple.com (Slurp may have been superceded by the
- SuperSlurp example).
- Slurp: Copyright 1993, 1994, Apple Computer, All Rights Reserved.
- Slurpee modifications: Copyright 1994, S. Weyer
- Slurpee is freeware (especially since so much of it is based on Slurp). Slurpee
- may be freely distributed via online services and bulletin boards if it is
- unmodified and includes this and other files mentioned here. It may not be
- commercially bundled or redistributed on CD-ROM, floppy disk, PCMCIA, networks
- or other media without permission.
- With enough encouragement, I may fix problems and add additional features. Of
- course, you can also start with the original Slurp and roll your own version.
- If Slurpee is useful to you, you can send email or a postcard, or better yet,
- you can express your appreciation by registering for "Newt". Newt is a
- shareware native Newton application development environment, i.e., you can
- build applications in NewtonScript on your Newton. In particular, I distribute
- Newt source for Slurpee if you would like to make your own version or understand
- how it works. More info at end of this file.
- The original Slurp is one-way: it transmits lines in a desktop tab-delimited
- text file sent over a serial connection into Newton soup entries. Slurpee is
- two-way: it can also send Newton soup entries as a tab-delimited text file.
- (This combines functionality you'd find in the DTS SerialPro example and the
- freeware Pour utility). Slurpee also works both ways in converting between
- multiline text paragraphs and entries in the Notes soup. I think I've fixed a
- few Slurp problems with disconnecting cleanly. I also added a "para" datatype
- that's useful for adding a note to a Names entry, and a general "class:string"
- datatype.
- The original minimalist Slurp interface has changed only in the title, and some
- additional status messages. What's transferred and in which format is
- controlled on the desktop side. For example, to send data to your Newton, you
- tell Slurpee to Receive, and then send text containing soup name, format
- specification, and data, via your terminal emulator, usually as a file. To
- send data from your Newton, you also set Slurpee to Receive; however, the text
- file you send contains a soup name and format specification, but no data --
- just a Dump command (this assumes you set up a log file to capture the data
- returned). Directions on how to setup Slurp/Slurpee with a terminal emulator
- can be found in the original SlurpOld.txt and later in this file.
- Slurpee 1.1 starts the connection automatically, and does not disconnect
- automatically -- in other words, you never need to tap "Receive" unless you've
- tapped "Disconnect". Slurpee starts waiting immediately; after receiving each
- file, it beeps and waits for the next. Note: if you have many (or long)
- transfers, you may wish to increase the Preferences:Sleep number so that your
- Newton does not go to sleep during a transfer and lose data. (I may allow you
- to change this in next version of Slurpee).
- WARNING: since Slurpee can add or remove entries from your soups, please keep
- your information backed up, and follow the formats and commands carefully.
- =====
- Slurpee Uses
- Here is a summary of the four kinds of transfer supported by Slurpee:
- direction soup
- ---------------------- -------------------------
- from desktop to Newton 1. any soup 2. Notes
- from Newton to desktop 3. any soup 4. Notes
- =====
- 1. the original Slurp ("Slurp classic")
- first line soup name, e.g., Names
- second line frame specification, e.g., see SlurpOld.txt and CasioNam.tab
- other lines each tab-delimited line corresponds to an entry
- last line BYE!
- note: this only works with existing soups. Slurp/Slurpee does not create new
- soups (currently).
- For Names, I've found that a phones field is required, otherwise the entries
- will generate errors later when you browse them. At a minimum, you need
- something like phones: ["workPhone"] in your framespec, then an extra tab in
- your data entries to reflect an empty field.
- If you'd like to add a text note to a Names entry (the text field you see when
- you Show:Card&Notes), include notes: ["para"] in the frame spec. In the data
- entries, the text in this position up to the next tab (or end of line if it's
- last) will be included as a single paragraph in the note field.
- Version 1.1 adds support for "class:string" type for entrySpec so you can embed
- 'class' information for strings directly with the value. For a phone entry,
- you could specify "homePhone:555 1234" for input; you would also get this
- format if you DUMP!
- =====
- 2. Slurp for Notes
- first line Notes
- second line frame specification, e.g.,
- {labels: 'Business, viewFont: <fontspec>, height: <num>}**
- line1 text
- line2 more text
- ----- paragraph delimiter (at least 5 dashes)
- more lines
- -----
- BYE!
- **the frame specification in 1) is more of a template with type information;
- for Notes, it is used to provide default values. For labels, the value is a
- symbol corresponding to a folder destination, e.g., 'Personal, 'Business, or
- nil or 'nil (for Unfiled).
- If viewFont is not specified, then the Note (for the Notepad) is created with
- the current default font set by the user in Styles. If viewFont is specified,
- it should be a font specification, e.g., a coded integer like 10241
- (userFont10) or font description like {family: 'espy, face: 0, size: 9} -- see
- Newt or NTK documentation. I have included viewFont: 10241 in the .nwt files
- to be consistent with Newt's default.
- If height is not specified, then Slurpee creates each Notepad entry with its
- calculated height (in version 1.0, each had a fixed height of 265 -- which was
- too large for some paragraphs, too short for others). You can specify a fixed
- height, e.g., {labels: 'Personal, height: 100}. If the Notepad clips a long
- para, hold down on the note separator bar in the NotePad for several seconds,
- then drag it downwards (it disappears) & then let go -- the separator should
- jump to the end.
- Note: if you include a symbol for labels slot that does not (yet) exist, be sure
- to do Edit Folders later on your Newton to add it -- otherwise, the only
- way you'll see these entries is via All Notes.
- examples:
- {labels: 'Business, viewFont: 10241} // what Newt normally uses
- {labels: 'Personal} // uses current default font (Styles)
- {labels: nil, viewFont: {family: 'espy, face: 0, size: 9}, height: 500}
- {} // Unfiled folder with default font and calculated height
- {labels: nil} // same as {}
- {labels: 'nil} // same as {}
- Erase command: if you know what you are doing (and have backed things up
- first), you can insert an ERASE! command as the third line for 1&2. This
- erases all entries from the specified soup, or if you've specified labels in
- your frame spec (for Names or Notes), it erases just the entries in that
- folder. This can be handy especially if want to get rid of many existing
- entries before adding new information. Warning: this does not give you a
- dialog box asking to Confirm erasing of entries!!! For example, if you edited
- Newt sources for your project on the desktop, and wanted to replace these
- completely on your Newton, you could do something like:
- Notes
- {labels: 'Programming, viewFont: 10241}
- createApp
- func()
- ...
- -----
- addFields
- func()
- ....
- -----
- BYE!
- =====
- 3. Slurp in reverse
- first line soup name, e.g., Names
- second line frame specification, e.g., CasioNam.dmp
- same powerful frame specification as in 1). entries are written to terminal
- emulator as tab-delimited lines in frame specification order. To have Slurpee
- pause so that you can set up a log/capture file, include the number of seconds
- followed by a semi-colon, e.g., DUMP!10; . Any data fields with text values
- that contain newlines will be transmitted as is (you may need to re-edit
- results into a true tab-delimited text format).
- =====
- 4. Slurp for Notes, in reverse
- first line Notes
- second line frame specification, e.g., {labels: 'Business}**
- **this is used as a filter to copy entries from only that folder. it copies all
- text data entries from each Note (if it is non-empty text) as a paragraph. for
- example, see Business.dmp. entries are written as multi-line entries separated
- by -----. see 3 for description of optional pause.
- =====
- How to Use (see SlurpOld.txt for further info):
- - Download Slurpee to your Newton.
- - Serial cable (still) connected to the Newton, with no other open serial
- connections on the desktop side (e.g., NTK inspector), or any other
- current use of comms on the Newton (e.g., beaming).
- - Open a communications program (e.g., terminal emulator) on your desktop
- system, with the following specs:
- Serial Tool, 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, XON/XOFF handshaking
- - For file transfer, specify the Text Tool.
- - Open Slurpee; it is automatically starts in Receive mode. Or, if you have
- tapped Disconnect, then tap Receive.
- - On the Mac/PC, choose "Send File..." in the comm program, and choose the
- file to be sent. If you are doing a "Dump", immediately setup a file to
- log/receive/capture the result. Slurpee will display the number of entries
- received/dumped in a view near the top of the screen. When the file
- transfer is complete, Slurpee will automatically wait for another transfer.
- - Tap Disconnect to end the connection, or just Quit.
- =====
- Slurpee Change History
- 1.1 (9/3/94)
- -----
- see Slurpee.1st
- 1.0 (6/6/94)
- -----
- - initial public release
- - added 10 second delay after a DUMP! to allow time to log/receive/capture a file
- - added an ERASE! command to clear out all soup entries or just those in a folder
- - added a "para" datatype (useful for adding a note to a Names card)
- - disconnects more cleanly
- 0.1
- -----
- - alpha/beta releases to Newt users
- =====
- Author
- Stephen Weyer
- 17 Timber Knoll Drive
- Washington Crossing, PA 18977-1052
- Internet: weyer@guest.apple.com
- America Online/eWorld/NewtonMail: SteveWeyer
- Compuserve: 74603,2051
- AppleLink: WEYER.S
- =====
- Info about Newt
- Newt 2.3:
- a native development environment for simple applications using NewtonScript,
- and for creating graphics using gestures, buttons, and NS.
- Keywords: object-oriented programming, application development environment,
- NewtonScript, NTK, learning, graphics, mathematics, Logo.
- Where to usually find Newt [newt-devenv-23.sit / .hqx]:
- - internet (also see mirror sites):
- - newton.uiowa.edu:pub/newton/software/app/ or /dev
- - sumex-aim.stanford.edu:info-mac/nwt/app/
- - ftp.amug.org:pub/newton
- - newsgroups: comp.binaries.newton
- - America Online(AOL): PDA:New Files (or PDA:Software Libraries:Newton)
- - Compuserve: GO NEWTON (DL 8 or 9)
- - AppleLink: Newton:Newton User Discussions:Freeware, Shareware and Demos
- - eWorld: Shareware:Newton
- Newt is shareware ($35) -- registered users receive a manual describing Newt
- features and NewtonScript syntax, along with a floppy of other packages and
- source examples -- of particular interest may be the Slurpee application
- source itself in Slurpee format for Newt.